Club Pilates Cancellation Policy & Fee 2024


Hey there fitness enthusiasts! If you’re a member of Club Pilates or considering joining, it’s crucial to understand their cancellation policy and any associated fees.


After all, life can be unpredictable, and you never know when you might need to cancel a class or your membership altogether.

So, let’s dive in and explore the ins and outs of Club Pilates’ cancellation policy!

Club Pilates Class Cancellation Policy & Fee 2024

Club Pilates Class Cancellation Policy


First things first, let’s talk about canceling a class at Club Pilates. We all have those days when something comes up last minute, and we can’t make it to our scheduled Pilates session.

Here’s what you need to know:

  • 12-Hour Notice: To avoid any pesky fees, make sure to cancel your class at least 12 hours before the scheduled time. This gives the studio a chance to fill your spot with another eager Pilates enthusiast.
  • Late Cancel Fee: If you forget to cancel within that 12-hour window, you’ll be hit with a late cancellation fee. The exact amount may vary depending on your membership category and agreement, but generally, it’s around $10. Ouch!
  • Waitlist Cancellation: Club Pilates offers a handy waitlist feature, where you can snag a spot in a class if someone else cancels. But beware – if you’re on the waitlist and score a spot, you’ll still be subject to that late cancellation fee if you bail within 12 hours of the class.

Club Pilates Membership Cancellation Policy & Fee

Now, let’s say you want to cancel your Club Pilates membership altogether. Maybe you’re moving to a new city, or Pilates just isn’t your jam anymore. Whatever the reason, here’s the scoop on membership cancellation:

  • Automatic Renewal: When you sign up for a Club Pilates membership, it typically renews automatically until you cancel or the studio terminates it. So, keep that in mind if you’re not looking for a long-term commitment.
  • Subscription Plans: Club Pilates offers various subscription plans, and the cancellation terms for each should be clearly outlined when you sign up. Make sure to read the fine print!
  • Free Trial Period: Some lucky members may be eligible for a free trial period. This usually kicks off when you create your account, and billing begins once the trial ends. If Pilates isn’t your thing, make sure to cancel before the trial is up to avoid any charges.
  • Cancellation Methods: You can cancel your membership through the Club Pilates app, website, in-person at the studio, or by reaching out to their customer support team. We’ll dive into the details of each method shortly.
  • Payment Accuracy: Double-check that your payment method info is accurate, as you’re responsible for any charges that may occur. Keep in mind that certain payment methods might tack on additional fees.

How To Cancel Club Pilates Membership – 4 Ways

Alright, so you’ve decided to cancel your Club Pilates membership. No hard feelings! Here are the four ways to make it happen:


In-Person Cancellation

  • Head to the studio where you originally signed up for your membership.
  • Come prepared with your details (name, age, address, membership ID) and the debit card used for payments.
  • Chat with a staff member about your desire to cancel and verify your identity.
  • Fill out a cancellation form accurately and submit it to the staff. Easy peasy!

Online Cancellation

  • Log into your account on the Club Pilates website using your username and password.
  • Navigate to the account settings section and look for a membership cancellation option.
  • Follow the on-screen instructions and confirm your cancellation request if prompted.
  • Complete a membership cancellation form and submit it online.
  • Double-check with your bank to ensure billing has stopped.

Cancellation Through App

  • Open the Club Pilates mobile app and log into your account.
  • Tap on your profile icon to access the account settings.
  • Locate the membership and billing information section.
  • Select “Cancel Membership” to start the cancellation process.
  • Confirm your identity and provide a reason for canceling.
  • Review the cancellation terms, confirm your reason, and submit the request.
  • Keep an eye out for a confirmation message and save it for your records.
  • Monitor your billing statements to make sure charges have stopped.
  • Reach out to customer support if you run into any issues or billing errors.

Cancellation Through Customer Support

  • If you need some extra help cancelling, reach out to Club Pilates’ customer support team.
  • Find the “Contact Us” section on their website and fill out the form with your details.
  • Submit the form and wait for a representative to get in touch.

They’ll guide you through the cancellation process and answer any questions you may have.

Tips for a Smooth Cancellation

To make your Club Pilates membership cancellation a breeze, keep these tips in mind:

  • Read and understand your membership agreement thoroughly.
  • Don’t hesitate to ask your local studio if you have any questions or concerns.
  • Keep records of all documents and paperwork related to your membership and cancellation.
  • Stay on top of your billing statements to ensure charges stop after cancellation.
  • Plan and familiarize yourself with the available cancellation options.

Club Pilates Refund Policy

Okay, so you’ve cancelled your membership. But what about getting your money back? Here’s the deal with Club Pilates’ refund policy:

  • No Refunds: Unfortunately, all payments made to Club Pilates are non-refundable. This applies across the board, regardless of your reason for canceling.
  • Studio-Specific Policies: The exact cancellation procedure may vary slightly depending on the studio you signed up with, so be sure to check with them for any unique policies.
  • Access Until Billing Period Ends: Even though you won’t get a refund, you’ll still have access to Club Pilates facilities and services until the end of your current billing period. Make the most of it!
  • Discretionary Credits: In some cases, Club Pilates may offer credits as a courtesy, but this is entirely at their discretion and not guaranteed.
  • Other Xponential Fitness Purchases: Keep in mind that canceling your Club Pilates membership doesn’t automatically cancel any other purchases you’ve made with Xponential Fitness or its affiliates. You’ll need to handle those separately.

Club Pilates Membership Freeze Policy & Fee

What if you’re not ready to fully cancel your membership, but need a break? That’s where freezing your account comes in:

  • What is Freezing?: Freezing your Club Pilates membership means you’re still a member, but temporarily not using the services or facilities. It’s perfect for situations like temporary relocation, extended vacations, or medical issues.
  • Eligibility: Certain criteria may apply for freezing your account, so check with your local studio for specifics.
  • Freeze Fee: There’s a monthly fee of $15 to freeze your Club Pilates membership. Keep this in mind when weighing your options.
  • Freeze Duration: You can typically freeze your account for anywhere from 30 days to several months (usually up to 3 months). Again, check with your studio for their specific policies.


  • Can I cancel my Club Pilates membership at any time?

Yes, you’re free to cancel your membership whenever you’d like. Just remember that you won’t receive a refund, but you’ll still have access until the end of your current billing period.

  • Will I be charged if I cancel my membership mid-month?

If you cancel your membership in the middle of a billing cycle, you’ll still be charged for the entire month. Your cancellation will take effect at the end of that billing period.

  • Can I freeze my membership instead of cancelling?

Absolutely! Freezing your membership is a great option if you need a temporary break but don’t want to fully cancel. Just keep in mind that there’s a $15 monthly freezing fee.

  • What happens if I cancel my membership before the free trial ends?

If you cancel before your free trial period is up, you won’t be charged for a membership. Just make sure to cancel in time, as billing kicks in once the trial ends.

  • Can I get a refund for unused classes if I cancel my membership?

Unfortunately, Club Pilates does not offer refunds for unused classes or membership fees. Once you’ve paid, that money is non-refundable.

Key Takeaways

Let’s recap the most important points about Club Pilates’ cancellation policy:

  • Club Pilates offers straightforward membership cancellation through their website, app, in-person, or customer support.
  • Freezing your membership is possible, but comes with a $15 monthly fee and certain eligibility criteria.
  • Policies may vary slightly by location, so always check with your local studio for specifics.
  • Keep records of all documentation and billing statements related to your membership and cancellation.

Also Check: Club Pilates Prices

Final Verdict


Club Pilates provides clear and simple ways to cancel your membership, giving you the flexibility to end your Pilates journey when it suits you.

By understanding their cancellation policy, associated fees, and available methods, you can make an informed decision and part ways with the studio on good terms.

Remember, if you have any questions or need assistance, don’t hesitate to reach out to Club Pilates’ customer support team. They’re there to help make the process as painless as possible.

So, whether you’re cancelling a single class or your entire membership, Club Pilates has got you covered.


Just follow the steps outlined above, keep those tips in mind, and you’ll be saying goodbye to Pilates (or just “see you later”) in no time. Happy cancelling, folks!

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