Does Planet Fitness Have Scales?


In the world of fitness, there are some things we’ve come to expect: sweaty towels, the clang of weights, and the soft beep of a scale as we check our progress.


But what if I told you that one of the biggest gym chains in America has decided to buck this trend? That’s right, we’re talking about Planet Fitness and their eyebrow-raising decision to remove scales from their gyms.

This move has left many scratching their heads. After all, isn’t tracking your weight a key part of any fitness journey? Well, Planet Fitness doesn’t seem to think so.

Their decision has sparked debate and discussion in the fitness community, with opinions ranging from supportive to downright baffled.


Does Planet Fitness Have Scales?

Does Planet Fitness Have Scales

In this article, we’re going to take a deep dive into this controversial policy. We’ll explore what Planet Fitness is all about, why they’ve taken this unusual step, and whether it’s a good idea or not.

We’ll also look at the importance of scales in a fitness routine and what this decision might mean for gym-goers.

So, whether you’re a fitness fanatic, a casual gym-goer, or just someone who’s curious about this unusual move, stick around.


We’re about to unpack the whole “no scales” situation and what it means for the future of fitness.

Get ready for a frank, honest, and eye-opening discussion about scales, fitness, and the changing face of gym culture.

What Is Planet Fitness?

Before we dive into the scale controversy, let’s get to know Planet Fitness a bit better.

Planet Fitness is not your average gym. It’s a fitness chain that’s made waves in the industry by doing things differently. Here’s what you need to know:

  • Founded: 1992 in Dover, New Hampshire
  • Locations: Over 2,000 across the US, Canada, Mexico, and Panama
  • Claim to fame: Fastest-growing fitness chain in North America
  • Target audience: Casual gym-goers and fitness newbies
  • Slogan: “Judgement Free Zone”

Planet Fitness has built its empire on being the anti-gym gym. They’ve positioned themselves as the friendly, non-intimidating alternative to traditional fitness centers. Here’s how they stand out:

  • Unique policies: They have some rules that might seem strange to seasoned gym-goers
  • Casual atmosphere: They aim to make working out less scary for beginners
  • Affordable pricing: Their memberships are often cheaper than traditional gyms
  • Unconventional marketing: Their ads often poke fun at fitness stereotypes

But what sets Planet Fitness apart is its commitment to creating a “Judgement Free Zone”. This philosophy is at the heart of everything they do, from their policies to their equipment choices.

Feature Description
Founded 1992 in Dover, New Hampshire
Locations Over 2,000
Countries US, Canada, Mexico, Panama
Target Audience Casual gym-goers, fitness beginners
Slogan “Judgement Free Zone”
Unique Selling Point Non-intimidating gym environment
Pricing Affordable compared to traditional gyms
Notable Policy No scales in facilities

Now that we know who Planet Fitness is and what they’re about, let’s dive into the big question: what’s the deal with their no-scales policy?

What’s the Deal With the Whole “No Scales” Thing?

Alright, let’s address the elephant in the room – or rather, the missing scale in the gym. Planet Fitness has made the bold move to remove scales from their facilities. Yes, you read that right. No scales. In a gym. It’s a decision that’s left many people scratching their heads.


So, what’s the reasoning behind this unusual choice? Let’s break it down:

  • Judgment-Free Zone: The core of this decision lies in Planet Fitness’s commitment to being a “Judgment-Free Zone”. They believe scales can be a source of negative self-judgment.
  • Avoiding Discouragement: Planet Fitness argues that seeing unwanted numbers on a scale can dishearten members, potentially leading them to quit their fitness journey.
  • Focus on Feeling: They want members to focus on how they feel rather than what they weigh.
  • Removing Barriers: Planet Fitness claims that even the presence of scales can be intimidating for some people, acting as a barrier to working out.

Here’s a deeper look at their reasoning:

  1. Mental Health Concerns: They believe constant weight-checking can lead to unhealthy obsessions and negative self-image.
  2. Inclusive Environment: By removing scales, they aim to create a more welcoming space for people of all body types.
  3. Shift in Focus: They want members to concentrate on overall health and fitness, not just weight loss.
  4. Reducing Pressure: Without scales, there’s less pressure to hit specific weight goals, which can be discouraging if not met.

It’s a controversial move, to say the least. While some applaud the decision as progressive and considerate, others see it as misguided and potentially harmful. After all, how can you track your progress without weighing yourself?

This leads us to our next big question: Is this a good idea?


Is It a Good Idea?

Now that we understand Planet Fitness’s reasoning, let’s tackle the big question: Is removing scales from gyms a good idea? Like most things in life, it’s not a simple yes or no answer. Let’s weigh the pros and cons (pun intended!).

Potential Benefits:

  • Less Stress: For some, not seeing their weight regularly might reduce anxiety and stress associated with fitness.
  • Focus on Feeling: It could encourage people to pay attention to how they feel rather than just a number on a scale.
  • Inclusive Environment: It might make the gym feel more welcoming to those who are self-conscious about their weight.

Possible Drawbacks:

  • Lack of Objective Measurement: Weight is one of the easiest ways to track progress for many fitness goals.
  • Difficulty in Diet Planning: Many diet plans require knowing your current weight to calculate calorie needs.
  • Missed Health Indicators: Weight can be an important indicator of overall health trends.

Let’s break this down further:

Pros Cons
Reduces anxiety for some gym-goers Makes tracking progress more difficult
Encourages focus on overall fitness Complicates diet planning
Creates a more inclusive environment May miss important health indicators
Aligns with “Judgement Free” philosophy Limits personal choice for those who want to weigh themselves
Promotes focus on how you feel rather than numbers Can be frustrating for members who rely on weight tracking
May encourage longer-term gym membership Potential loss of objective measurement tool

The truth is, whether this is a good idea or not largely depends on individual needs and preferences. For some, not having a scale might be liberating. For others, it could be frustrating and hinder their fitness journey.

What’s clear is that Planet Fitness is trying to address a real issue – the negative impact that constant weight-checking can have on mental health and motivation. But is removing scales entirely the best solution? Or would educating members on healthy ways to use scales be more beneficial?

This leads us to our next point: Why exactly doesn’t Planet Fitness have scales?

Why Doesn’t Planet Fitness Have Scales?

To truly understand Planet Fitness’s decision, we need to dig a little deeper into their reasoning. Their no-scales policy isn’t just a random choice – it’s a calculated move that aligns with their overall brand philosophy. Let’s break it down:

  1. Judgment-Free Zone:
    • Planet Fitness prides itself on being a “Judgment-Free Zone”.
    • They believe scales can lead to self-judgment and negative self-talk.
  2. Focus on Feeling Good:
    • They want members to focus on how exercise makes them feel, not just how it changes their weight.
    • The idea is to promote overall well-being, not just weight loss.
  3. Avoiding Discouragement:
    • Weight can fluctuate daily due to various factors.
    • Seeing these fluctuations might discourage members from continuing their fitness journey.
  4. Inclusivity:
    • Planet Fitness aims to be welcoming to people of all shapes and sizes.
    • They believe the presence of scales might make some people feel uncomfortable or unwelcome.
  5. Breaking Fitness Stereotypes:
    • Traditional gyms often focus heavily on weight loss.
    • Planet Fitness wants to promote a more holistic view of fitness.
  6. Reducing Anxiety:
    • For some people, weighing themselves can cause significant anxiety.
    • Removing scales eliminates this potential source of stress.
  7. Encouraging Consistency:
    • They believe that by not focusing on weight, members will be more likely to stick to their routines.
  8. Promoting Non-Scale Victories:
    • Planet Fitness wants members to celebrate other fitness achievements, like increased strength or endurance.

It’s important to note that Planet Fitness isn’t saying weight is unimportant. Rather, they’re suggesting that there might be better ways to track progress and maintain motivation.

They’re challenging the traditional gym model and asking: “Is there a better way to approach fitness?”

This approach has certainly sparked debate. While some applaud the move as progressive and considerate, others argue that it’s misguided. After all, scales can be a useful tool when used correctly.

So, this brings us to an important question: Why are scales important in a fitness journey?


Why Scales Are Important?

While Planet Fitness has its reasons for removing scales, it’s crucial to understand why scales have been a staple in gyms for so long. Scales aren’t just about vanity – they serve several important functions in a fitness journey:

  1. Objective Measurement:
    • Scales provide a clear, numerical way to track progress.
    • This can be especially motivating when other changes aren’t yet visible.
  2. Health Monitoring:
    • Significant weight changes can indicate health issues.
    • Regular weighing can help catch these changes early.
  3. Goal Setting:
    • Many fitness goals are tied to reaching a specific weight.
    • Scales help in setting and tracking these goals.
  4. Nutritional Planning:
    • Many diet plans require knowing your current weight.
    • This helps in calculating daily caloric needs and macronutrient ratios.
  5. Fitness Program Adjustments:
    • Weight changes can indicate if a fitness program is effective.
    • This information allows for timely adjustments to workouts or diet.
  6. Body Composition Tracking:
    • Some advanced scales can measure body fat percentage and muscle mass.
    • This gives a more comprehensive view of fitness progress.
  7. Accountability:
    • Regular weigh-ins can help keep people accountable to their fitness goals.
    • It’s a tangible way to see the results of hard work and dedication.
  8. Medical Necessity:
    • Some people need to monitor their weight for medical reasons.
    • Having scales available at the gym makes this more convenient.

Here’s a breakdown of how often different groups might benefit from weighing themselves:

Group Recommended Frequency Reason
General Population Once a week Balances tracking progress without obsessing over daily fluctuations
Active Dieters 2-3 times a week Helps in monitoring progress and adjusting diet plans
Athletes Daily to weekly Useful for performance optimization and weight class maintenance
Those with Medical Conditions As advised by the doctor Necessary for managing certain health conditions

Scales serve a valuable purpose in many fitness journeys. However, it’s equally important to use them wisely and not let the numbers dictate your entire sense of progress or self-worth.

This brings us to the crux of the matter: Does Planet Fitness have scales? Let’s find out.


Does Planet Fitness Have Scales? … The Sad Truth

Now, let’s address the question that brought us here: Does Planet Fitness have scales? The short answer is no, most Planet Fitness locations do not have scales available for member use.

This might come as a surprise to many, especially those used to traditional gym setups. But it’s true – Planet Fitness has made the conscious decision to remove scales from their gyms. Here’s what you need to know:

  • No Public Scales: You won’t find scales in the main gym area or locker rooms.
  • Staff Use Only: Some locations may have scales for staff use, but these aren’t available to members.
  • Consistent Policy: This no-scales approach is generally consistent across Planet Fitness locations.

So, what does this mean for Planet Fitness members? Let’s break it down:

  1. Self-Monitoring: Members need to find alternative ways to track their progress.
  2. Home Weighing: Those who want to monitor their weight need to do so at home.
  3. Focus Shift: The emphasis is placed on how you feel and other non-scale measures of progress.
  4. Potential Frustration: Some members might find the lack of scales frustrating or inconvenient.

It’s important to note that while Planet Fitness doesn’t provide scales, they don’t prohibit members from bringing their own portable scales. However, this isn’t a practical solution for most people.


This policy has sparked mixed reactions:

  • Supporters argue it creates a more inclusive, less judgmental environment.
  • Critics say it removes a valuable tool for tracking fitness progress.

The truth is, Planet Fitness’s no-scales policy is a double-edged sword. While it might help some members feel more comfortable, it could hinder others’ ability to track their progress effectively.

So, what’s the verdict? Is Planet Fitness’s approach the way forward, or is it missing the mark? Let’s wrap this up with some final thoughts.


As we’ve explored throughout this article, Planet Fitness’s decision to remove scales from their gyms is a bold and controversial move.


It’s a policy that perfectly encapsulates their brand philosophy of creating a “Judgement Free Zone,” but it also raises important questions about the role of measurement and progress tracking in fitness journeys.

Let’s recap the key points we’ve covered:

  • Planet Fitness is a gym chain that prioritizes creating a welcoming environment for casual gym-goers and fitness beginners.
  • They’ve removed scales from their gyms to reduce stress and judgment associated with weight.
  • Scales can be important tools for tracking progress, planning diets, and monitoring health.
  • The no-scales policy has both supporters and critics in the fitness community.

So, where does this leave us? Here are some final thoughts:

  1. One Size Doesn’t Fit All: What works for one person might not work for another. While some may find relief in not having access to scales, others might feel frustrated by the lack of this tracking tool.
  2. Education is Key: Perhaps a middle ground could be found in educating members about healthy ways to use scales, rather than removing them entirely.
  3. Alternative Progress Tracking: Planet Fitness could benefit from promoting other ways to track progress, such as strength gains, endurance improvements, or body measurements.
  4. Personal Responsibility: Ultimately, fitness is a personal journey. Members who want to track their weight can still do so at home.
  5. Changing Fitness Culture: Planet Fitness’s approach challenges us to think about what truly matters in our fitness journeys. Is it the number on the scale, or how we feel and what we can do?

The debate around Planet Fitness’s no-scales policy reflects broader conversations in the fitness world about body image, mental health, and what it means to be “fit.”


It’s a reminder that fitness is not just about physical changes, but also about mental and emotional well-being.

In the end, whether Planet Fitness has scales or not, the most important thing is that people are moving, exercising, and taking steps toward a healthier lifestyle.

If removing scales helps more people feel comfortable doing that, then perhaps it’s a step in the right direction.

Remember, true fitness success isn’t measured solely by a number on a scale. It’s about feeling stronger, healthier, and more confident in your skin.


So whether you’re a Planet Fitness member or not, focus on how exercise makes you feel, celebrate your progress (no matter how small), and keep moving forward on your fitness journey.

After all, isn’t that what being in a “Judgement Free Zone” is all about?

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