How To Cancel HOTWORX Membership Online?


Have you signed up for a HOTWORX membership but need to cancel it? Terminating a HOTWORX gym membership contract can be confusing due to specific policies and procedures you must follow.


While it may be tempting to simply stop making payments, this can worsen penalties or fees down the line. Instead, it’s essential to properly provide written cancelation notice per the gym’s guidelines.

This comprehensive guide will explain everything you need to know about canceling any HOTWORX membership subscription online following appropriate notice periods.

We will outline key cancellation terms, fees, freeze options, and payment changes, and address frequently asked questions. You’ll also learn the easiest way to avoid auto-renewal charges after submitting your termination request digitally for rapid processing.


Whether needing to cancel after completing the initial 3-month period or any time beyond the first year, using clear communications through online channels will ensure swift handling and minimize disruptions.

How To Cancel HOTWORX Membership Online?

How To Cancel HOTWORX Membership Online

Follow our tips to effortlessly handle your HOTWORX membership cancellation fully through official digital formats.

HOTWORX Cancellation Policy 2024

Here are the key points about HOTWORX’s cancellation policy:

  • Minimum 12 weeks: Customers must complete a minimum 12-week membership before requesting cancellation. This is an initial commitment period.
  • 4-week notice: After the first 12 weeks, members need to provide at least 4 weeks’ notice to cancel their membership. This applies to all memberships after the initial period.
  • Pay outstanding fees: Members must pay all outstanding monthly fees, installment payments, or balances during the 4-week notice period. No refunds are given.
  • $149 termination fee: Members can request immediate termination during the first 12 weeks but must pay a $149 cancellation fee.
  • One freeze per 3 months: Members can freeze their membership for 2-12 weeks, once every 3 months. A $2.50 weekly freeze fee applies.
  • Doctor’s note waives notice: Members can cancel without notice if they provide a doctor’s certificate stating they cannot utilize the services.
  • Policy changes: HOTWORX reserves the right to change cancellation policies by providing written notice per local regulations.
  • Violations lead to termination: Failure to follow rules and policies can result in membership termination after warnings.

Can You Cancel HOTWORX Membership Online?

Yes, HOTWORX memberships can be canceled online in most cases. The easiest way is to email your studio and request cancellation after meeting the 12-week initial period and 4-week notice requirements.

You can also cancel in person if your studio prefers a signed cancellation form or letter. Check with your specific location for complete details. Online cancellation meets requirements as long as proper notice is given.

How to Cancel HOTWORX Membership Subscription Online?

Follow these steps to cancel your HOTWORX membership online:

  1. Wait 12 weeks: Complete the full 12-week minimum initial membership period before cancellation.
  2. Submit request: Email your studio to submit an official cancellation request after 12 weeks. Specify your full name, membership details, and requested last day per the 4 weeks notice policy.
  3. Receive confirmation: Expect to receive an email confirmation of your request within approximately 15 days. The studio may contact you with any account-related details.
  4. Pay fees: Make sure to pay any remaining monthly fees or outstanding balances during the final 4 weeks per policy. No refunds are given.
  5. Process complete: Your membership will be terminated after the 4-week notice period ends, assuming all payments are settled per policy. Expect a final confirmation once processed completely through HOTWORX’s internal systems (usually within 15 days of the cancelation date).

IMPORTANT: You can also cancel within 3 calendar days of signing your original contract IF done before midnight of the 3rd business day. This policy overrides minimum timeframe requirements without any fees due but must be done at the studio location to be valid.


HOTWORX Cancellation Fee

If members want to terminate their contract immediately within the first 12-week period, HOTWORX charges a cancellation fee of $149. This must be done in person at your studio location. Paying this cancels your obligation to pay any remaining monthly dues.

How to End Your HOTWORX Auto-Renewal Subscription?

HOTWORX memberships automatically renew each month unless canceled properly with sufficient notice. Here is how auto-renewal works:

  • Memberships renew by charging the monthly fee on file each billing cycle
  • To end auto-renewal, you must cancel with written notice at your studio
  • Notice depends on membership duration – 12 weeks initially, then 4 weeks’ notice
  • Any outstanding fees must be paid before the last billing cycle per policy

So in summary – submit a written cancellation to your studio, and pay the final fees if any, then the upcoming renewal charge will not go through once fully processed. Timing is essential to avoid being charged again, so be sure to follow the notice policy guidelines when submitting your request.

Seeking Immediate Cancellation and Associated Fee at HOTWORX

It is possible to request an immediate termination of your HOTWORX membership within the initial 12-week period if needed, but there is a $149 cancellation fee that will apply. Other conditions include:

  • This must be done at your studio location in person.
  • Pay the $149 fee to the facility manager to finish the contract.
  • No further access to studio locations after cancelation.
  • Monthly billing will end so no additional fees due.

Unless a serious medical issue confirmed by a doctor prevents safe usage of facilities, it is best to complete the initial 90 days before requesting early termination to avoid paying costly cancellation charges per HOTWORX policy. You won’t receive any credit or refund for any unused services once canceled.

Can You Cancel HOTWORX After Months or a Year?

Yes, HOTWORX memberships can be canceled after any timeframe – whether that is just 3 months of membership or even after 1 year or longer.

The same policies apply:

  • Complete the 12-week minimum membership period initially.
  • Provide written notice based on the active membership type.
    • Monthly: 4 weeks
    • Special programs: Per terms
  • Settle outstanding account balances
  • Finish final billing cycle

Once you complete those steps, your HOTWORX membership will terminate fully on the exact date indicated after 1 year or any length of time as requested.


Can I Transfer My HOTWORX Membership to Another Location?

Unfortunately, HOTWORX will not permit members to transfer or change their studio location for an existing active membership. All enrollment fees and monthly dues paid are completely non-refundable and non-transferable to other franchise locations per policy.

If moving makes your current “home” studio too far or inconvenient to attend, you will have to cancel following the proper notice guidelines above and sign up individually at the desired new location under their enrollment terms if you wish to join another HOTWORX franchise gym at your new address. No credit or compensation for unused prior membership services will be provided.

Can You Pause HOTWORX Membership & How to Freeze?

HOTWORX does allow active members in good standing to “freeze” or temporarily put their membership on hold if certain conditions are met:

  • Can freeze for 2-12 weeks once per 3 month period
  • Must pay a $2.50 weekly freeze fee during the hold timeframe.
  • Freezes over 12 weeks are allowed with a doctor’s note.
  • A $9 freeze fee per week applies to extended medical freeze.
  • No access is permitted to any location during the freeze.

Freezing your membership creates a gap so billing cycles remain continuous when resuming without affecting cancellation notice requirements. This flexibility makes it convenient for those needing a temporary break for vacations, injuries, or other situations for up to 3 months per calendar year without compromising membership tenure or paying hefty sign-up fees again after.


Follow your location’s instructions for requesting an official membership freeze based on your circumstances to take advantage of this policy.

How to Change Payment Method on HOTWORX?

If you need to update expired cards or switch payment methods entirely for your HOTWORX auto-renewal membership fees to process correctly each month, contact your gym directly to make changes.

Keep in mind that altering your payment method may come with additional fees depending on contract terms and policies. Check with the facility’s front desk associate or manager first to understand what will be involved financially or administratively when changing it in their system and records.

Being proactive with updating any expired credit card numbers or closed accounts will help you avoid unnecessary late fees or other billing issues if a charge gets declined. Change payment info well in advance of upcoming renewals using proper procedures for that particular HOTWORX location to maintain seamless membership payments.


Can You Upgrade Your HOTWORX Membership?

Yes, upgrading HOTWORX memberships is allowed at any participating franchise location. If starting with a basic package initially, you can enhance your contract to a higher-tier level later on to access better amenities or class packages.

Upgrades simply mean transitioning into a more inclusive (and likely more expensive) preset monthly membership. Common enhancements include gaining access privileges to newer clubs, multi-location bundles, more classes per week, etc.

To upgrade at your studio, expect to pay the difference in normal fees plus potentially an additional upgrade service charge of around $10 on average. Check with your preferred location for specific costs and process guidance to switch membership levels after already joining under introductory options as newer premium choices are unveiled over time.

Key Points Review: How to Cancel HOTWORX Membership

Canceling a HOTWORX membership properly requires the following key steps – here is a quick recap:

  • Finish the 12-week initial period before being eligible.
  • Send an email (or studio letter) with 4+ weeks’ notice requesting cancellation after the initial term.
  • Pay any still-due fees during the final month.
  • Receive confirmation once the studio fully processes the request (usually within 15 days of the last day).
  • Alternatively – cancel within 3 days of signing if done at the facility in person.

Review all contract cancellation provisions in advance to avoid any unnecessary headaches later on. HOTWORX ultimately wants to retain members so be sure you cannot change your mind during the 1 month notice timeframe or fees can still be charged!

FAQs About Canceling HOTWORX Memberships:

Q: How long is the initial HOTWORX membership period?
A: 12 consecutive weeks (3 months) must be completed first before eligible to cancel

Q: Can I cancel at any studio or just my home location? A: Cancellation must be submitted directly to your enrolled “home” studio

Q: Where do I send my cancellation letter or email?
A: Check with your specific location for the exact contact email and notice submission instructions


Q: How soon before my last day can I submit notice?
A: Up to 4 full weeks in advance (no sooner or you’ll need to resubmit)

Q: If I change my mind, can I undo my cancellation request?
A: Yes, until the final date processes you can rescind the notice

Q: Do I need to come in person to cancel at the end of the initial period?
A: No, you can email but may need to provide signed documentation

Q: Can I immediately cancel due to medical reasons?
A: Yes but requires an official doctor’s note provided to the studio


Q: How do I avoid membership auto-renewal after canceling? A: Pay any balance by the last bill date and wait for confirmation it ended

Q: Does HOTWORX offer membership refunds?
A: No refunds whatsoever – all fees paid are completely non-refundable

Q: Can I transfer my membership to another person if I move?
A: No, memberships are non-transferable to other individuals

Reaching out to your studio for assistance can clarify any other questions related to properly canceling or freezing HOTWORX memberships. Be sure to carefully review all contracts ahead of time so no confusion exists later on termination policies or fees.


Also Check:

Final Verdict

The bottom line is that HOTWORX requires members to complete a full 12 consecutive weeks at minimum plus provide written notice 4 full weeks in advance of ending monthly auto-renewal memberships properly without fees.

Use email or certified mail where permitted. Settle any outstanding balances, then wait for final confirmation once fully processed on the backend.

Alternatively, immediate cancellation with a termination penalty can free you within the initial period if mandatory. Just know all studio sign-up and membership fees paid are non-refundable and non-transferable per policy, so resolving issues to avoid cancellation is always the most cost-effective approach if possible.


Review all HOTWORX contracts thoroughly so no surprises happen later! Reach out for personalized assistance adjusting agreements if your circumstances must change unexpectedly over time.

Consistent communication with your facility manager makes navigating policies much easier long term.

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