Dr. Patrick Soon-Shiong Net Worth 2024


Have you ever wondered how some doctors become incredibly wealthy? In the world of medicine and business, there are a few names that stand out for their remarkable success.


One such name is Dr. Patrick Soon-Shiong. This guide will dive into the fascinating story of Dr. Patrick soon-shiong net worth of 2024, exploring how a physician turned entrepreneur became one of the richest people in the healthcare industry.

Money and medicine don’t always go hand in hand, but sometimes, innovative thinking and smart business moves can lead to extraordinary wealth.

In this article, we’ll uncover the journey that led to Dr. Soon-Shiong’s impressive net worth.


Dr. Patrick Soon-Shiong Net Worth 2024

Dr. Patrick Soon-Shiong Net Worth

We’ll look at his early life, career beginnings, and the key decisions that shaped his financial success.

Whether you’re curious about how doctors can become billionaires, interested in entrepreneurship in the medical field, or simply fascinated by success stories, this guide has something for you.

Get ready to explore the world of high-stakes medical innovation and big business as we unravel the story behind Dr. Patrick Soon-Shiong’s considerable fortune in 2024.


About Dr. Patrick Soon-Shiong: A Quick Look

Let’s start with a quick overview of who Dr. Patrick Soon-Shiong is:

Fact Details
Full Name Patrick Soon-Shiong
Born July 29, 1952
Birthplace Port Elizabeth, South Africa
Current Age 72 years old (as of 2024)
Profession Surgeon, Entrepreneur, Inventor
Known For Developing cancer treatments, biotech innovations
Notable Companies Abraxis BioScience, NantWorks
Current Role CEO of NantWorks
Citizenship United States

Who is Dr. Patrick Soon-Shiong?

Dr. Patrick Soon-Shiong is a name that might not ring a bell for everyone, but in the world of medicine and business, he’s a big deal.

Born in South Africa to Chinese immigrant parents, Soon-Shiong has become one of the richest people in America.

He’s not just a doctor – he’s a surgeon, inventor, and entrepreneur who has made billions of dollars through his work in medicine and technology.


What makes Soon-Shiong stand out is how he’s used his medical knowledge to create new treatments and build successful companies.

He’s best known for developing a cancer drug called Abraxane, which has helped many people fight breast, lung, and pancreatic cancers. But that’s just one part of his story.

He is one of the richest doctors in the world and you must need to know how he entered our list.

What Is Patrick Soon-Shiong’s Net Worth in 2024?

As of 2024, Dr. Patrick Soon-Shiong’s net worth is estimated to be around $10 billion.


This huge amount of money makes him one of the wealthiest people in Los Angeles and possibly the richest doctor in the world.

But how did he make all this money? Here’s a simple breakdown:

  • Medical Innovations: A big chunk of his wealth comes from creating new drugs and medical treatments.
  • Successful Companies: He started and sold several biotech companies for billions of dollars.
  • Investments: Soon-Shiong has invested in various businesses, including tech companies and sports teams.
  • Ongoing Business Ventures: He continues to run companies that work on cutting-edge medical technologies.

It’s important to note that net worth can change quickly, especially for businesspeople like Soon-Shiong who are involved in many different projects.

The $10 billion figure is an estimate, and his actual wealth might be different depending on how his investments and companies are doing.


From Humble Surgeon To Multi-Billionaire

Dr. Soon-Shiong’s journey from a regular doctor to a billionaire is pretty amazing. Let’s break it down step by step:

  1. Starting as a Surgeon
    • Soon-Shiong began his career as a transplant surgeon at UCLA.
    • He was good at his job and even did some groundbreaking work in diabetes treatment.
  2. Moving into Research
    • While working as a surgeon, Soon-Shiong got interested in finding new ways to treat diseases.
    • He started focusing on cancer research and new drug development.
  3. First Big Break: Abraxis BioScience
    • In 1991, Soon-Shiong left UCLA to start his own company.
    • He developed a drug called Abraxane, which was effective in treating certain types of cancer.
    • This drug became a huge success and made a lot of money.
  4. Selling for Billions
    • In 2010, Soon-Shiong sold Abraxis BioScience to another company for $3 billion.
    • This deal turned him into a billionaire overnight.
  5. Other Successful Ventures
    • Soon-Shiong didn’t stop there. He started and sold other companies too.
    • One of his companies, American Pharmaceutical Partners, was sold for $5.6 billion in 2008.
  6. Continuing Innovation
    • Even after becoming super rich, Soon-Shiong kept working on new medical technologies.
    • He started companies like NantWorks and NantHealth to keep pushing medical science forward.
  7. Diversifying Investments
    • With his wealth, Soon-Shiong started investing in different areas.
    • He bought part of the LA Lakers basketball team and later purchased the Los Angeles Times newspaper.

The key to Soon-Shiong’s success seems to be his ability to spot opportunities where medicine and business meet. He didn’t just invent new treatments; he figured out how to turn those inventions into successful companies. This combo of medical knowledge and business smarts is what turned him from a regular doctor into one of the richest people in America.

Early Life of Dr. Patrick Soon-Shiong

To understand how Patrick Soon-Shiong became so successful, we need to look at where he came from. His early life played a big role in shaping who he became.

Born in South Africa

  • Patrick Soon-Shiong was born on July 29, 1952, in Port Elizabeth, South Africa.
  • His parents were Chinese immigrants who had fled from China during World War II.

Growing Up

  • Soon-Shiong grew up in a time when South Africa was under apartheid, a system of racial segregation.
  • As a person of Chinese descent, he faced discrimination but also had more opportunities than Black South Africans.


  • From a young age, Soon-Shiong showed he was smart and hardworking.
  • He went to the University of Witwatersrand, a top school in South Africa.
  • There, he earned his bachelor’s degree in medicine.

Moving Abroad for More Training

  • After finishing medical school, Soon-Shiong didn’t stop learning.
  • He moved to Canada and got a master’s degree from the University of British Columbia.
  • Then, he came to the United States for more training at UCLA.

Becoming a Top Surgeon

  • Soon-Shiong worked hard and became a board-certified surgeon in 1984.
  • He also became a Fellow of the American College of Surgeons, which is a big deal for doctors.

Key Traits from His Early Life

  • Hard Work: Growing up in an immigrant family, Soon-Shiong learned the value of hard work.
  • Overcoming Challenges: Facing discrimination taught him to be resilient.
  • Love for Learning: He kept studying and improving his skills, even after becoming a doctor.
  • Ambition: Soon-Shiong wasn’t content with just being a good doctor; he wanted to make big changes in medicine.

Soon-Shiong’s early life in South Africa, his move to North America, and his dedication to education all helped set the stage for his later success. These experiences gave him a unique perspective and the drive to do more than just practice medicine – he wanted to change it.

Early Career of Dr. Patrick Soon-Shiong

After all his education and training, Dr. Patrick Soon-Shiong started his professional career. This part of his life was crucial because it’s where he began to make a name for himself in the medical world.

UCLA Medical School

  • Soon-Shiong joined UCLA Medical School as a faculty member in 1983.
  • He worked there as a transplant surgeon until 1991.
  • During this time, he did some impressive things:
    • Performed the first whole-pancreas transplant at UCLA
    • Developed a new experimental treatment for Type 1 diabetes

Breakthrough in Diabetes Research

  • One of Soon-Shiong’s big early achievements was his work on diabetes.
  • He came up with a new idea: transplanting pig cells into humans to help treat diabetes.
  • This was cutting-edge stuff at the time and got a lot of attention in the medical world.

Building a Reputation

  • Through his work at UCLA, Soon-Shiong started to be known as an innovative doctor.
  • He wasn’t just doing regular surgeries; he was trying to find new ways to treat difficult diseases.

Learning the Business Side

  • While at UCLA, Soon-Shiong began to see how medical research could turn into business opportunities.
  • He started thinking about how to take his ideas out of the lab and into the real world where they could help more people.

The Big Decision

  • In 1991, Soon-Shiong made a huge choice: he left UCLA to start his own company.
  • This was a risky move. He was leaving a stable job as a respected surgeon to become an entrepreneur.
  • But Soon-Shiong believed he could do more good by developing new treatments on a larger scale.

Key Points About His Early Career

  • Innovative Thinking: Soon-Shiong wasn’t satisfied with just doing things the usual way. He always looked for new solutions.
  • Risk-Taking: Leaving a good job at UCLA to start a company showed he wasn’t afraid to take risks.
  • Combining Medicine and Business: Even early on, Soon-Shiong saw how medical knowledge could be used to build successful businesses.
  • Building on Experience: Everything he learned as a surgeon and researcher became the foundation for his later business success.

Soon-Shiong’s early career at UCLA was more than just a job. It was where he honed his skills, made important discoveries, and started to see how he could make a bigger impact in medicine. This period laid the groundwork for everything he would do later as an entrepreneur and innovator.

Dr. Patrick Soon-Shiong as Entrepreneur

After leaving UCLA, Dr. Patrick Soon-Shiong dove headfirst into the world of business. This is where his career took off, turning him from a successful doctor into a billionaire entrepreneur. Let’s look at some of his key business moves:

VivoRx, Inc. (1991)

  • This was Soon-Shiong’s first company.
  • It focused on diabetes and cancer biotechnology.
  • This company showed Soon-Shiong could turn his medical ideas into real products.

American Pharmaceutical Partners (APP) (1997)

  • APP made generic intravenous medicines.
  • By 2008, APP was making $750 million a year.
  • Soon-Shiong sold APP in 2008 for $5.6 billion – his first big payday.

Abraxis BioScience

  • This company developed Abraxane, a drug for treating different types of cancer.
  • Abraxane was approved by the FDA in 2005 and became a huge success.
  • In 2010, Soon-Shiong sold Abraxis BioScience for $3 billion.

NantWorks (2011)

  • This is Soon-Shiong’s current main company.
  • It’s like a big umbrella company for lots of smaller companies working on different things.
  • NantWorks focuses on using technology to solve health problems.


  • Part of NantWorks, this company uses advanced technology to help doctors and hospitals.
  • It can analyze genetic data from tumors super fast, which helps with cancer treatment.

Other Ventures and Investments

  • Soon-Shiong has started or invested in many other companies and projects:
    • NantOmics: Works on cancer drugs
    • NantKwest: Focuses on using the body’s immune system to fight diseases
    • Bought part ownership of the LA Lakers basketball team
    • Purchased the Los Angeles Times newspaper in 2018

Key Aspects of Soon-Shiong’s Business Approach

  • Mixing Medicine and Tech: He often uses cutting-edge technology to solve medical problems.
  • Thinking Big: Soon-Shiong doesn’t just make small improvements; he tries to completely change how things are done.
  • Constant Innovation: He’s always starting new companies and trying new ideas.
  • Selling at the Right Time: Soon-Shiong knows when to sell his companies for big profits.

Impact on Healthcare

  • Soon-Shiong’s work has led to new treatments for serious diseases like cancer.
  • His companies have made tools that help doctors make better decisions.
  • He’s pushed for changes in how healthcare is delivered and paid for.

As an entrepreneur, Soon-Shiong has shown an amazing ability to turn scientific ideas into successful businesses. He’s not just made a lot of money; he’s also changed parts of the healthcare industry. His story shows how someone with deep knowledge in one area (medicine) can use that to succeed in another (business).


Personal Life of Dr. Patrick Soon-Shiong

While Dr. Patrick Soon-Shiong is known for his work in medicine and business, it’s also interesting to look at his personal life. This can help us understand the man behind the achievements.


  • Wife: Soon-Shiong is married to Michele B. Chan.
    • Michele used to be an actress.
    • She’s now involved in some of Soon-Shiong’s business ventures.
  • Children: They have two children together.


  • The family lives in Los Angeles, California.
  • As one of the richest people in LA, Soon-Shiong likely has a very nice home, but he keeps details private.

Interests Outside of Work

  • Sports: Soon-Shiong is a big basketball fan. He owns part of the LA Lakers.
  • Philanthropy: He and his wife have given a lot of money to different causes.
    • They’ve donated to hospitals and medical research.
    • They also support education and community projects.

Public Image

  • Soon-Shiong is known for being very smart and hardworking.
  • Some people see him as a visionary in medicine and technology.
  • Others have criticized him for being too focused on making money.

Cultural Impact

  • As a successful Asian-American, Soon-Shiong has become a role model for many.
  • When he bought the Los Angeles Times, he became one of the first Asian-Americans to own a major U.S. newspaper.

Work-Life Balance

  • Soon-Shiong is known for working very hard.
  • It’s not clear how much time he spends on hobbies or relaxation.


  • He’s been featured in many magazines and news stories.
  • Soon-Shiong has received awards for his work in medicine and business.

Staying Connected to His Roots

  • Despite living in the U.S. for many years, Soon-Shiong hasn’t forgotten his South African background.
  • He’s worked on projects to improve healthcare in South Africa.


  • While Soon-Shiong is a public figure, he keeps many details of his personal life private.
  • This is common for many wealthy and successful people.

Understanding Soon-Shiong’s personal life helps paint a fuller picture of who he is. While he’s driven and successful in his work, he also seems to value family and giving back to society. His life shows how someone can achieve great things while still trying to make a positive impact on the world.


Dr. Patrick Soon-Shiong’s story is pretty amazing when you think about it. He started as a doctor from South Africa and ended up becoming one of the richest people in America. Let’s wrap up what we’ve learned about him:


Key Points About Patrick Soon-Shiong:

  • Humble Beginnings: Born in South Africa to immigrant parents, he worked hard to become a doctor.
  • Medical Innovator: He didn’t just practice medicine; he tried to change it by inventing new treatments.
  • Successful Entrepreneur: Soon-Shiong turned his medical ideas into billion-dollar companies.
  • Diverse Interests: From cancer research to owning part of a basketball team, he’s involved in many different things.
  • Continuing Impact: Even after becoming very rich, he keeps working on new ways to improve healthcare.

What We Can Learn from His Story?

  • Follow Your Passion: Soon-Shiong loved medicine and found ways to make a big impact with it.
  • Think Big: He wasn’t satisfied with small improvements; he aimed for big changes in healthcare.
  • Keep Learning: Throughout his career, Soon-Shiong kept studying and trying new things.
  • Use Your Skills in New Ways: He combined his medical knowledge with business skills to achieve great success.
  • Give Back: Despite his wealth, Soon-Shiong works on projects to help others, especially in healthcare.

The Bigger Picture:

Soon-Shiong’s success isn’t just about making money. His work has led to new cancer treatments and better ways of using technology in medicine. He’s an example of how one person’s ideas and hard work can change an entire industry.


Looking Ahead:

At 72 years old, Soon-Shiong isn’t slowing down. He’s still working on new projects and ideas. It will be interesting to see what he does next and how his work might keep changing healthcare in the future.

Final Thoughts:

Patrick Soon-Shiong’s life shows that with hard work, smart thinking, and a willingness to take risks, it’s possible to achieve amazing things.


Whether you’re interested in medicine, business, or just stories of success, there’s a lot to learn from his journey.

He’s not just a billionaire; he’s someone who’s used his success to try and make the world a little bit better.

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