Celebrities with Buffalo Hump in 2024: A Comprehensive Guide


Hey there! Ever noticed that some of your favorite stars have a little extra something at the back of their necks? That’s what we call a buffalo hump.


It might sound funny, but it’s a real thing that affects lots of people, including some big-name celebrities.

In this article, we’re going to chat about some famous folks who deal with this condition.

Celebrities with Buffalo Hump

Celebrities with Buffalo Hump


We’ll look at what a buffalo hump is, why it happens, and how these stars handle it.

It’s pretty amazing to see how they keep shining bright despite facing this challenge.

From actors to singers, we’ll cover ten well-known celebrities who’ve been open about their buffalo humps or have been spotted with this feature.

We’ll also answer some common questions you might have about this condition.


So, grab a comfy seat, and let’s dive into the world of celebrities and their unexpected “accessories”!

What is a Buffalo Hump?

Before we jump into our celebrity list, let’s talk about what a buffalo hump is.

A buffalo hump is:

  • A rounded bump of fat that forms at the base of the neck
  • Usually located on the upper back, between the shoulder blades
  • Sometimes called a “dorsocervical fat pad” by doctors (fancy, huh?)

Why does it happen?

  • Sometimes it’s caused by a condition called Cushing’s syndrome
  • Other times, it might be due to certain medications or health issues
  • In some cases, poor posture can make it worse

Important to know: Having a buffalo hump doesn’t mean someone is unhealthy or doing anything wrong. It’s just a thing that happens to some people’s bodies.

Now that we know what we’re talking about, let’s meet some stars who rock this unique feature!

Famous Celebrities with Buffalo Hump

Jennifer Aniston

Who is she?

  • Born: February 11, 1969
  • Claim to fame: Played Rachel Green on the hit TV show “Friends”
  • Awards: Won Emmy, Golden Globe, and Screen Actors Guild awards

Buffalo hump story: Jennifer Aniston is known for her stunning looks and great acting skills. But even stars like her face body challenges. While she hasn’t talked much about it publicly, some fans have noticed a slight hump at the base of her neck in certain photos.


How she handles it:

  • Keeps rocking her career like a boss
  • Focuses on overall health and fitness
  • Reminds us all that nobody’s perfect, even Hollywood stars!

Alyssa Milano

Who is she?

  • Born: December 19, 1972
  • Famous roles: Samantha in “Who’s the Boss?” and Jennifer in “Melrose Place”
  • Also known for: Singing and being an activist

Buffalo hump journey: Alyssa’s story is a bit different. Her buffalo hump wasn’t caused by a health condition but by poor posture. It just goes to show how important it is to sit up straight!

What she did about it:

  • Worked on improving her posture
  • Probably did some exercises to strengthen her back
  • Kept on being awesome in her career and activism

Cameron Diaz

Who is she?

  • Born: August 30, 1972
  • Career highlights: Starred in movies like “There’s Something About Mary” and “Charlie’s Angels”
  • Awards: Nominated for four Golden Globe Awards

Buffalo hump situation: Cameron has kept pretty quiet about her buffalo hump. But eagle-eyed fans have spotted it in some photos over the years.

How she deals:

  • Focuses on her acting and other projects
  • Promotes overall health and wellness
  • Doesn’t let it stop her from being her fabulous self

Jennifer Hudson

Who is she?

  • Born: September 12, 1981
  • Claim to fame: Singer and actress, won American Idol
  • Big achievement: Won an Oscar for her role in “Dreamgirls”

Buffalo hump experience: Jennifer has been dealing with a buffalo hump quietly. It’s not something she talks about much, but it hasn’t slowed her down one bit!

Her approach:

  • Uses medical treatments to manage the condition
  • Makes lifestyle changes to stay healthy
  • Keeps wowing audiences with her amazing voice and acting skills

Justin Bieber

Who is he?

  • Born: March 1, 1994
  • Known for: Canadian pop star with a huge global following
  • Fun fact: Started his career as a YouTube sensation

Buffalo hump situation: Justin has been open about having a visible hump when he goes shirtless. It’s something that might get more noticeable over time.


How he copes:

  • Wears loose, comfy clothes to feel confident
  • Keeps making great music for his fans
  • Uses his platform to talk about health and body issues

Halle Berry

Who is she?

  • Born: August 14, 1966
  • Career highlights: Actress and former model
  • Big achievement: First African American woman to win an Oscar for Best Actress

Buffalo hump battle: Halle has been pretty open about dealing with Cushing’s syndrome, which can cause a buffalo hump.

Her game plan:

  • Exercises regularly to manage her condition
  • Speaks out to raise awareness about Cushing’s syndrome
  • Continues to shine in her acting career

Emma Watson

Who is she?

  • Born: April 15, 1990
  • Famous for: Playing Hermione in the Harry Potter movies
  • Also known for: Activism, especially for women’s rights

Buffalo hump challenge: Emma has mentioned that her buffalo hump is partly due to poor posture. It’s a reminder that even magical wizards need to sit up straight!

How she handles it:

  • Works on improving her posture
  • Uses her experience to talk about body image issues
  • Keeps being a role model for young people everywhere

Vin Diesel

Who is he?

  • Born: July 18, 1967
  • Famous for: Playing Dominic Toretto in the “Fast & Furious” movies
  • Known for: His deep voice and muscular physique

Buffalo hump situation: Despite being super fit, Vin has been dealing with a buffalo hump for a while. It just shows that it can happen to anyone, even action stars!

His approach:

  • Continues to work out and stay in shape
  • Doesn’t let it stop him from doing his stunts
  • Keeps making awesome action movies for his fans

Miley Cyrus

Who is she?

  • Born: November 23, 1992
  • Claim to fame: Started as Disney’s Hannah Montana, now a pop superstar
  • Known for: Constantly changing her music style and image

Buffalo hump story: Miley manages her buffalo hump through exercise. It’s not something she inherited, but something she works on.


How she deals:

  • Has a dedicated workout routine
  • Balances her health with her busy music career
  • Uses her experience to inspire fans to love their bodies

Taylor Swift

Who is she?

  • Born: December 13, 1989
  • Famous for: Her songwriting skills and chart-topping hits
  • Known for: Constantly reinventing her music style

Buffalo hump challenge: Taylor’s buffalo hump is thought to be related to posture issues. It’s a reminder that even superstars need to watch how they sit and stand!

Her strategy:

  • Likely works with health professionals to manage it
  • Continues to create amazing music and perform for fans
  • Uses her platform to talk about body positivity


  • Is bison bump a typical condition among famous people?

Not really. Buffalo humps (also called bison bumps) aren’t more common in celebrities than in regular folks. It might seem that way because celebrities are always in the spotlight, so we notice these things more. The truth is, this condition can affect anyone, famous or not.

  • What actress has a buffalo hump?

We’ve mentioned a few in this article, like Jennifer Aniston, Alyssa Milano, and Cameron Diaz. But remember, having a buffalo hump doesn’t define these actresses. They’re talented, successful women who happen to have this physical feature.

  • Celebrities with Cushing’s disease?

Cushing’s disease can cause a buffalo hump, among other symptoms. While many celebrities prefer to keep their health issues private, Halle Berry has been open about her struggle with Cushing’s syndrome. It’s important to note that not all buffalo humps are caused by Cushing’s disease, and not everyone with Cushing’s will develop a buffalo hump.

Also Check: Celebrities with Cold Sores



Wow, we’ve gone through quite a list of stars, haven’t we? It’s pretty eye-opening to see how many famous people deal with buffalo humps.

Here’s what we can take away from all this:

  1. Buffalo humps can happen to anyone: Whether you’re a pop star, an action hero, or just a regular person, this condition doesn’t discriminate.
  2. It doesn’t stop success: All these celebrities have achieved amazing things in their careers, buffalo hump or not.
  3. There are ways to manage it: From exercise to medical treatments, there are options for dealing with this condition.
  4. Openness helps: Some stars have been pretty open about their experiences, which helps raise awareness and understanding.
  5. Body positivity is key: These celebrities remind us that everyone’s body is different, and that’s okay!

Remember, if you’re dealing with a buffalo hump yourself, you’re in good company.

And if you’re not, this is a good reminder to be kind and understanding to everyone, because you never know what challenges they might be facing.


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